Aquí Estoy Listening Workshop
Half Day, Full Way, Weekend, Multi-Week Series Experiences. In-person or virtual
Aquí Estoy (Where I’m At) Music is the creative method and practice developed by multi-instrumentalist, composer and performer Carlos Snaider (Carlos Regardless). Aquí Estoy Listening Workshops are a wholistic art+wellness workshop wherein participants explore practical everyday wellness tools developed from musical, experimental theatre and meditation processes. Nurturing listening faculties by directing them towards physical, mental, and conscious levels of being, we build the capacity to listen to ourselves and each other.
The workshop can be presented in
conjunction with a band performance,
which is especially suited for
universities, festivals, and cultural
Currently being offered at the
South Park Hall as a free fall series.
Multiple Verses Collective Ensembles
In-person Ensemble Coaching. Available to book.
This offering is for dedicated musicians and sound-makers seeking an interdisciplinary space for co-creation, study, and composition, while also integrating embodied and contemplative practice to facilitate deeper listening, harmonization and joy. “Multiple Verses” refers to my musical project Multiverso, which is an exploration of how to co-create while celebrating individual differences in life experience and musical orientations. We will explore music shared via oral transmission and through an experimental “dramaturgy” score concept that I have developed for the Multiverso songbook. Reading staff notation is not required. The content of each session will be structured around the instrumentation of the participants. We will “open up” compositions (by you, me, and others) with chanting, rhythmic forms, body percussion, harmony and melody, in ways that build relationships within our respective bodies and amongst each other. We will also explore language, lyrics and storytelling, as well as participate in guided movement and embodied listening exercises to enhance alertness and sensitivity to one another. This workshop is a wonderful accompaniment for you if you are interested in collective liberatory music rooted in contemplation and joy.
Physical Prayers Workshop
(embodied + meditative movement)
Half Day, Full Day, Weekend, Multi-Week Series. In-person or virtual. Available to book.
Physical prayers are movements designed to bring silence to the body. In these workshops we explore seated, standing, and dynamic movement systems including the 5 Tibetan Rites, From Peace to Infinity, Ba Gua Zhang, dance, abhyanga (taught for at-home use), and stretching. Not only do these movements improve physical health, but they also enhance emotional health and develop healthy awareness of our bodies in space. Usually presented as a series, no specific movement experience is necessary. Movements can be adapted for different physical abilities.