Carlos Snaider is a guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, singer, composer, and facilitator of transformative healing arts with a vision of unity through sounds and silences. Currently based in Seattle, USA with an itinerant life path that has connected New York, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, and Denver, Carlos's songwriting and performances explore self-inquiry, embodiment, and collective encounters in the present that celebrate joy, alertness and restoration amidst the great changes of our times. He holds a degree in Music and African American Studies from Harvard University, where he studied with Vijay Iyer, Lorgia García Peña, and Yosvany Terry.
Carlos does not shy away from an expansive array of influences, which range from music of the Latin Caribbean to Black American Creative Music, hip hop, synth pop and oral traditions. In addition to sonic influences, he also draws deeply from Caribbean poetics, Chinese Internal Martial Arts, contemplative practice and experimental theatre. Altogether Carlos seeks to create collective and hybrid spaces for artists, audiences, creative entrepreneurs, business, and community members to embody joy and silence along life's path.
Carlos performs with his band/solo project Multiverso, and also composes and performs with EarthtoneSkytone, Eléré, and Star Gondola, creating sounds at the nexus of creative music, ambient, salsa, electronic, and hip-hop. Since 2015, Carlos has been a member of the international performance troupe Ay Ombe Theatre, founded by Josefina Báez, incorporating the open creative system of Performance Autology into his work.
Photo by Dana Waldron
Carlos Snaider es guitarrista, multi-instrumentalista, compositor, escritor, facilitador y devoto, con una visión audaz de unidad a través de sonido y silencio. Actualmente residiendo en Seattle, USA, sus canciónes y acciónes performativas son ofrendas que trascienden género, levantando preguntas sobre cómo nuestros encuentros en el aquí y ahora pueden transformar nuestras vidas colectivas e íntimas. Carlos trae consigo una gama de influencias, que incluye música del Caribe, Música Creativa Afro-Americana, hip-hop, synth pop y tradiciones orales. En conjunto, Carlos busca crear espacios híbridos donde podamos incorporar silencio en sonido, texto y movimemiento.
Carlos toca con su grupo Multiverso, y actualmente está desarrollando una sistema de composición relacionada a aquella, basada en estudios autobiográficos y contemplativos. También compone y toca regularmente con Eléré, Star Gondola, y EarthtoneSkytone. Desde 2015, Carlos ha sido miembro del grupo experimental de teatro Ay Ombe Theatre, creada por performera Josefina Báez, e investiga e incorpora su sistema de creación abierta llamada Autología del Performance como metodología. Carlos estudió Música y Estudios Afro-Americanos en Harvard University, donde estudió con Vijay Iyer, Lorgia García Peña, y Yosvany Terry.